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The Colors of Hope

We are excited to announce our first ever Anti-Racism Taskforce! Our church is thoughtfully engaging and confronting themes of diversity in a variety of ways.


We've kicked off our initiatives with a social media journey we're calling #CelebratingDiversitySeptember celebrating diversity through artful expressions. Bo on the lookout for programming on related subjects in Children's ministry, youth ministry, and leadership & discipleship events. Our first social activity is a lunch on September 18 after 10am service in our Fellowship Hall. Our first community book study will be via Zoom on September 22 about: "His Name Is George Floyd: One Man's Life and the Struggle for Racial Justice". Please see below for details on how to register.  Stay tuned for more! 

Denominationally, The United Methodist Church recognizes that the sin of racism has been destructive to its unity throughout its history and continues to cause painful division and marginalization. The UMC shall confront and seek to eliminate racism, whether in organizations or in individuals, in every facet of its life and society at large. 

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Join us for our latest Zoom series "Current Conversations"

All Hands In



Scroll through to see ways to engage and join us!

About the anti-racism
task force

Our task force members are Velma Christian, Guillermo Clarke, Tom Tannehill, and Rachel Taylor. We are dedicated to speak out against the injustice of racism and want to bring healing to those who have experienced racism and redemption to those who are feeling shame and guilt over how they've contributed to racism. If you're interested in joining our task force, please email 

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